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Professional Payment Processing
Upcoming Services

Professional Payment Processing
Our premier service, ppp, handles all billing and collections for the private music studio. MuBuS collects from students and pays teachers in a simple and seamless process. Teachers' payments are distributed via direct deposit into the account of their choice. Students pay via credit/debit card or by direct debit.

Using ppp separates the money-collecting element from the teaching relationship. Income is dependable and consistent. Profitability is increased. Awkward moments of going without payment, or asking for payment are eliminated. A teacher's ability to offer a professional and valuable learning experience to their students is enhanced.

ppp advantages:

  1. preserves the relationship between teacher and student by separating money collection from the teaching relationship
  2. provides the teacher with consistent, dependable income
  3. saves time and energy for both teachers and students
  4. minimizes distractions that take away from teaching
  5. offers students the convenience of paying with a credit card

What does the service cost?


Students and Teachers can keep track of upcoming studio events, group classes, competitions, festivals (how the list goes on!) with MuBuS?s online studio calendaring tool. Teachers can also choose to send email notification to students prior to any of the events posted.

Join the MuBuS community and post information about you and your studio online.

Upcoming services
Services that are in development include:

  • Taxes-offering online tax advice including live chat with accountants
  • Insurance-major health, dental and optical for the musical self-employed
  • Community Extras

What services would you like to see offered? Email us at: support@mubus.com


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